Blog posts of '2021' 'September'

Breastfeeding with complete peace of mind
Breastfeeding with complete peace of mind

Have you just welcomed or are expecting a new baby? Maybe you want to breastfeed to maintain the intimate relationship you developed over the past nine months, and you want to do it right. Or maybe you have not made up your mind yet and want to clear up a few questions. Here is everything you need to know about breastfeeding, for baby and mother.


Breastfeeding is your choice as a new mother

Although the question of breast or bottle obviously did not exist for millennia, you have a choice. Whether or not to breastfeed will be one of your very first decisions as a young mother. Maybe you’ve long since made up your mind, or maybe you’re still not sure and need to understand exactly what it means to breastfeed. Either way, what is important for you and your baby is that you feel good about your thought process and decision. This is a deeply private choice between you and your spouse, and it should be respected.


A source of benefits for you and your baby

 Your breastmilk is indisputably and marvellously suited to your baby’s nutritional needs; its composition evolves as your baby grows, and even over the course of feeds during the day. The WHO (World Health Organization) and the PNNS (French national nutrition and health program) even recommend exclusive breastfeeding until a baby reaches 6 months. Even for shorter periods, however, breastfeeding is still recommended, because the infant formulas sold in stores do not share all the characteristics of breastmilk. In addition to this biological fact, the tender, nutritive act of nursing obviously creates a special connection between mother and baby.


For your baby
Breastfeeding is the main factor in providing lasting protection for your baby’s health, ensuring that he receives all the nutrients he needs to grow and develop. Although the exact composition of breastmilk varies between mothers, it contains precise proportions of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates along with exactly the right amount of vitamins and mineral salts.

Your milk contains a number of antibodies, naturally protecting your baby from the risk of infectious diseases (bronchiolitis, bronchitis, ear infections, sore throats, etc.) as well as from certain allergies, including food allergies. 

According to the latest research, breastmilk also contributes positively to a child’s weight, limiting the risk of obesity during childhood and adolescence.


For you
- Nursing while holding your baby close to you is a unique experience that not only helps build a deep bond between you but also releases hormones that make you feel good between feeds.
- By triggering uterine contractions, nursing helps your uterus regain its tone and shrink back to its usual size more quickly.
- Various studies have shown that breastfeeding is a real asset to your health as a new mother. It drastically reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
- By breastfeeding, you’ll get your figure back more quickly: you burn approximately 800 calories for every liter of milk produced.
- Finally, breastfeeding simplifies your life: no bottles to prepare or emergency runs to buy powder on a Sunday evening.


Worried about the first few nursing sessions? Don’t be

So you’re convinced of the benefits of breastfeeding but, like all new mothers, you have a lot of questions about how to start and continue milk production? Don’t worry, there are just a few little things to keep in mind as you begin breastfeeding.


Yes, you will have enough milk
Milk production depends primarily on your baby’s needs. The baby’s sucking stimulates the release of prolactin and oxytocin, the two main hormones involved in lactation. Your breasts have been preparing to give milk since the start of your pregnancy, so have no fear: you will have milk. And the more baby nurses, the more milk you’ll have. Still, at birth and during the first two to three days, your breasts produce colostrum rather than milk. This thick yellowish orange fluid has exceptional nutritional and anti-infection properties. It contains everything your baby needs during his first days of life, including antibodies to protect him from any microbes he has already encountered after leaving your belly! That’s why it’s so important at first to offer the breast to your baby anytime he seems awake. Let baby nurse as long as he wants and make sure that he’s sucking effectively by listening for regular swallows. These frequent feedings will stimulate milk production and promote your milk coming in 48 to 72 hours after childbirth. Your breasts will swell, harden and become slightly painful. By nursing your infant as soon as your milk comes in and very frequently over the next few days, you’ll relieve your breasts and naturally establish your milk supply.


Yes, baby will find your breast
Whenever possible, your baby will be placed on your stomach right after birth, and the very first feed will take place within two hours after he is born. You will then see your newborn spontaneously seek the breast by moving his body and turning his head right and left on your chest until he latches on to a nipple. This is a perfectly natural reflex for him, since the scent given off by your nipple is similar to the smell of the amniotic fluid he spent the last nine months swimming in.

Let baby find your nipple on his own without holding his head or pulling him against your breast, which could cause him to pull back. When baby has found your breast, let him nurse as long as he wants. However, if a Caesarean section or other complication prevents you from breastfeeding this soon, don’t worry. The reflex for seeking out a nipple will just be slightly reduced, and you can gently guide your baby towards your breast and place your nipple in front of his mouth to nurse a little later. Just as you need to trust your baby to find your breast, you should also trust him to feed the right number of times each day. This will vary from one baby to another. On average, newborns want to nurse seven to eight times during a 24-hour period, but some demand up to 12 feedings or even more. Trust your baby and simply meet its needs, whether large or small!


The right habits to protect your breasts

Sometimes breastfeeding comes with some minor discomfort. By anticipating it, you’ll save yourself needless worry and know how to respond to make sure that nursing remains a pleasure for both of you.


Don’t be bothered by leaking
In the first weeks of breastfeeding, it’s common for milk to leak spontaneously. This can happen when you hear a baby cry, when your baby hasn’t nursed for several hours, when you’re thinking about your baby, during sexual relations or when you feel a strong emotion. These leaks can be annoying, but they are no cause for concern. Simply place a nursing pad in your bra to absorb them and then don’t worry.


Avoid cracks and chapping
Cracks and chapping, which many new mothers fear, occur more frequently among women with light skin and hair. They generally occur only during the first few weeks of breastfeeding and can range from just an irritated nipple to a fissure, which can make nursing sessions very painful indeed. Again, don’t worry: these are easy to avoid by taking a few precautions:
- Don’t remove the breast skin’s protective sebum by washing too frequently! One or two showers a day with a gentle cleansing gel is plenty.
- Make sure your baby is positioned correctly, facing the breast with his mouth wide open so he can latch onto the entire areola.
- After the feeding, dry your nipple and apply a special nursing repair cream.
- If cracks have formed despite your efforts, let your breasts air out as long as possible and regularly spread a special nursing repair cream on your painful nipples.


Avoid engorgement
The painful hardening of your breasts you’ve heard of is absolutely not inevitable! The best way to avoid it is to nurse your baby as often as possible starting as soon as possible, because engorgement is most frequent when your milk first comes in. If engorgement persists, you can hand-express breast milk by gently massaging the areola between your fingers. You may want to express milk under a warm shower, which helps the milk flow more easily. If you don’t succeed, try using a pump, and continue until your breasts soften and feel comfortable again.


Respond appropriately to mastitis
Sometimes, new mothers may feel a large and very painful swelling of the breast, which becomes red and hot. At the same time, they may also experience flu-like symptoms such as extreme fatigue and aches and pains. If you notice these symptoms, immediately take the following steps:
- Nurse your baby as often as possible, especially on the painful side.
- Rest, for real, in bed, with your baby beside you.
- Apply wet, hot towels to your painful breast, or use ice packs (wrapped in a cloth to avoid burns) if cold is more effective at relieving the pain.
- If you see no improvement within 24 hours, call your doctor, who will probably prescribe an antibiotic. You do not, however, have to stop breastfeeding when you have mastitis.


Stretch-marks? No thanks!
Stretch-marks? No thanks!

Stretch marks, a gift that comes with pregnancy, not appealing! Particularly as nowadays their appearance can easily be prevented and even be rendered practically invisible if they have managed to form. Stretch marks appear as a result of weight gain and hormonal change. The stomach, hips, thighs and chest are clearly the areas most prone to this. Despite our skin having a degree of elasticity, when rapidly distended, its elastic and collagen fibers may end up breaking down. This is all the more likely during these nine months as certain hormones (cortisol and estrogens) reduce the effectiveness of the fibroblasts, the cells that produce elastin and collagen and are so important for the skin’s suppleness and strength. In short, if you do not take care, you may see small striations appear. At first pink and slightly puffy, they end up as white or pearlescent furrows. But this is not inevitable!


The right way to avoid them

Treat early and regularly: these are the key words when it comes to preventing stretch marks because once they have formed, they are more difficult to get rid of completely. So, without becoming obsessed about it, cut out any raids on the cake shop, which only result in needless weight gain. And every day, from the first month onwards, set some non-negotiable time aside to take care of your skin.

Hydration & exfoliation increases the skin’s elasticity. So, after showering, it is essential to moisturize the skin all over your body, which will immediately boost the tone of your skin. And, once a week, use an exfoliant specially formulated for sensitive skin: the penetration of hydrating active ingredients will be optimized by the removal of impurities from the epidermis and you’ll gain baby soft skin into the bargain.

Massage & ad-hoc cream to combat the appearance of stretch marks, it is also necessary to stimulate the skin’s regenerative capacity. This can be done with creams specifically created for use during pregnancy: bursting with 100% natural ingredients, they will immediately act on and the production of the supporting fibers. All the more so if, instead of a quick rub on, you take the time to give yourself a real massage using circular movements.

 After pregnancy, stretch marks might have formed. As with all scarring, they will fade with time. But it is as well to do everything to ensure they do so as fast as possible.

Ultra-targeted treatment Combining natural active ingredients, vitamins and trace elements, they contain everything necessary to reduce any stretch marks that have formed and make them fade. Apply them twice a day, preferably using a palpating rolling massage, the result is astounding.

Go all out if necessary If the stretch marks are really very troubling, consider a more intensive treatment: micro-dermabrasion (renews the layers of the epidermis) or laser treatment (reduces scarring). Very good results but rarely complete removal. 

Comment hydrater naturellement mes lèvres ?
Comment hydrater naturellement mes lèvres ?

La peau des lèvres est presque 5 fois plus fine que la peau du visage. Ce qui les rend ainsi si sèches et si sensibles aux changements extérieurs.


Une fois sensibilisées, nous avons tendance à les triturer, les mordiller, les humidifier… autant de gestes qu’il faut éviter car elles deviennent alors encore plus fragiles et le cercle vicieux des lèvres gercées n’en finit jamais : tiraillements, picotements et autres désagréments se répètent et s’intensifient.


L’hydratation est la seule règle à suivre pour des lèvres apaisées, réparées et protégées toute l’année.


Je fais attention à ce que je mets sur mes lèvres

Tout aussi important que le soin visage et le soin corps, le baume lèvres se doit d’être le plus naturel et respectueux de la peau possible. En effet, il est important de prêter attention au taux de naturalité des ingrédients qui composent le produit.


Comment faire pour avoir de belles lèvres ?

Une fois par semaine, vous pouvez offrir à vos lèvres un doux gommage afin de les débarrasser des cellules mortes et leur permettre de retrouver une jolie couleur.


Il existe des recettes naturelles très simples pour les exfolier en douceur : comme, par exemple, un mélange de sucre fin et de miel, ou encore de sucre fin avec 1 cuillère à café d’huile de jojoba. L’association de corps gras et de sucre forme une texture parfaite à masser en légers mouvements pour des lèvres toutes douces ! N’oubliez pas de les hydrater tout de suite après pour les renforcer et les protéger à long terme.

Comment appliquer une huile végétale ?
Comment appliquer une huile végétale ?

Pour bien pénétrer dans la peau, l’huile doit être légèrement réchauffée. Il faut donc en verser 4 gouttes dans la main, puis les chauffer entre les mains, et les appliquer en massages délicats.


Appliquer une huile végétale sur le visage

Afin de protéger au mieux votre visage, Natessance propose une sélection d’huiles végétales adaptées à chaque type de peau. Huile d’avocat pour les peaux sèches, huile de macadamia pour les peaux normales,huile de jojoba pour les peaux mixtes à grasses, huile de nigelle pour les peaux à problèmes, huile d’onagre pour les peaux matures… à chaque type de peau son huile favorite !


Cet hiver privilégiez l’huile d’avocat pour nourrir et réparer les peaux très sèches et éprouvées par le froid. Pour les peaux mixtes, l’huile de jojoba sera la plus efficace grâce à son pouvoir rééquilibrant : elle hydratera* et nourrira les zones sèches, tandis qu’elle régulera les zones grasses.


Appliquer une huile végétale sur le corps

Sur le corps, les vertus des huiles végétales sont les mêmes que pour le visage : elles nourriront l’épiderme en période de sécheresse.


Par exemple, comme pour le visage, appliquer de l’huile de carotte après l’exposition au soleil permettra de prolonger le hâle de l’été.


L’huile d’avocat quant à elle sera idéale sur les traces de cicatrices. Appliquée en effectuant de petits massages circulaires, elle favorisera leur amélioration et laissera une peau bien nourrie et mieux préparée pour combattre l’apparition de nouvelles petites ridules.


A la sortie de l’été, comme après le retour des températures hivernales, les huiles végétales sont nos meilleures complices !

Everything you need to know about collagen
Everything you need to know about collagen

Do you remember being totally unaware that collagen matters in skin? Possibly when you were 20 years old and your collagen production was so high, 75% higher than it will be with age, you didn’t need to think twice about it. You heard the word collagen mentioned vaguely, you knew it was a protein, you knew it was somehow related to your skin’s structure.


The reality is it, like so many things, it’s only when you start to see the effects of it leaving that you start to care. When your skin begins to show signs of aging, understanding what collagen is, what it does, and how you can encourage it to stay, is where dermatology comes in.


Collagen is the main protein in the body.
It’s everywhere. In your bones, in your gut, in your teeth, in your muscles. Everywhere. And it’s produced by the body every single day. But its production slows as you age.


Collagen and water make up most of the skin. 
Collagen is also the main protein in skin. Collagen alone accounts for between 80% to 90% of skin’s dry weight, when you exclude water. It resembles a triple helix, that is a spiral structure, made of three chains of a hundred or so amino acids.


Collagen is what makes our skin firm.
Just as it is used by the body in building muscles, collagen gives our skin the resilience and firmness it was born with. Originating in the Greek word, kólla, meaning glue, collagen type I and type III bind together in the dermis, like a connective cushion.

It’s made by fibroblasts, cells in the dermis, the skin’s second layer, also responsible for secreting elastin. And together with elastin and other proteins called glycoproteins, collagen forms part of what’s called the Extracellular Matrix. This is the network that structures the skin itself, like a muscle, providing its actual physical properties, like tonicity, resilience and firmness.


Skin loses collagen at a pace of 1% a year. 
After our mid to late twenties and early thirties, skin loses approximately 1% of collagen every year. Collagen synthesis by fibroblasts decreases, leading to a loss of elasticity, firmness and suppleness. So between now and the next football World Cup in 2022, most of us will lose 4% of our collagen. This is why by the time we’re 80, our skin will produce 75% less collagen than it did when we were 20.


Collagen declines even faster depending on how we live. 
Collagen depletion can be accelerated: by photo-aging, by pollution, smoking and by diet. The associated free radicals and the process of glycation (the biological process whereby sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen) can wreak havoc, making existing collagen fibers hard and fuse together. Plus the enzymes which break down collagen (MMPs) are stimulated by UV rays. Also with age, collagen, typically a large protein, becomes thinner. Not surprisingly, given its major supporting role, this degradation of collagen is visible in skin, making it more rigid and less supple.


Collagen can be boosted inside-out and outside-in. 
Now that glycation is its own area of anti-aging research, mounting evidence suggests we can refill our skin with collagen – or at least slow its departure or destruction by eating our way to collagen health (going easy on sugar for starters) and avoiding overexposure to the sun. Collagen-protecting skincare can also work double-duty by defending the collagen in skin already, while simultaneously boosting skin to product more. 


It’s only natural that collagen declines with age. By making some very simple daily skincare decisions, we can, however, correct the signs of its loss on skin.

Peau de bébé : comment en prendre soin ?
Peau de bébé : comment en prendre soin ?

Elle est douce, elle est tendre, elle sent bon, on a envie de l’embrasser à longueur de journée et on résiste à celle de la croquer ! Quoi donc ? La peau de bébé bien-sûr ! Mais cette peau de bébé est fine et fragile : elle demande des soins particuliers et parfois, on a du mal à s’y retrouver… Comment prendre soin de la peau de bébé ? Quels produits utiliser ?


Attention, fragile. Pourquoi protéger la peau de bébé ? 


La peau de bébé est aussi douce que fragile, aussi irrésistible que fine. Encore en construction, elle ne devient mature qu’à partir de 2 ans ; elle a donc besoin de soins adaptés pour pouvoir se défendre contre les multiples agressions extérieures auxquelles elle est exposée : le frottement des couches, les changements de température, le soleil, la pollution, les textiles irritants, etc.


Des agressions qui peuvent provoquer des réactions épidermiques comme de l’eczéma, des croûtes de lait, des rougeurs, des érythèmes fessiers, etc. A ce stade de la vie, les glandes sébacées de la peau de bébé ne remplissent pas encore bien leurs fonctions et la barrière cutanée est d’autant plus vulnérable ! Il est donc nécessaire de l’hydrater quotidiennement afin d’aider l’épiderme à maintenir un taux d’hydratation satisfaisant.


Du fait de sa finesse (jusqu’à 30 % plus fine que celle d’un adulte), la peau de bébé est beaucoup plus réactive. Il est primordial d’utiliser des produits spécifiques et hypoallergéniques. Topicrem a mis son expertise dermo-cosmétique au service de la création d’une gamme de soins totalement pensée pour répondre aux exigences de la peau de bébé.


Peau de bébé : les bons soins et les bons gestes


Lorsque l’on est une toute jeune maman, on peut vite se sentir submergée par les innombrables questions que posent l’arrivée d’un bébé. Pour nous soulager, Topicrem partage sa routine pour soigner la peau de bébé sans que cela devienne une corvée. Au contraire ! Le moment de la toilette est un vrai moment de complicité à partager avec son enfant. C’est l’occasion de se retrouver, au calme, et de masser ses petits petons bien trop adorables.


Le massage est d’ailleurs une excellente façon d’apaiser les tensions, d’améliorer le sommeil, de soulager les problèmes digestifs et surtout, d’hydrater comme il se doit la peau de bébé. Mais revenons-en à cette routine, à quoi elle ressemble ?


  • Nettoyer avec le gel nettoyant 2 en 1 Topicrem qui lave le corps et les cheveux en douceur. Sa formule a été élaborée en respectant de hauts standards de sécurité à partir d’ingrédients naturels et biologiques. Testé sous contrôle dermatologique, le Gel Nettoyant 2 en 1 Topicrem nettoie en même qu’il adoucit la peau de bébé ainsi prête à être hydratée ! Attention à ne pas trop prolonger le bain, ce qui aurait pour effet de déshydrater l’épiderme à cause de l’eau calcaire.


  • Soignerentre deux changes à l’aide du lait de toilette Topicrem. C’est un produit parfait pour les nouveau-nés, les bébés et les jeunes enfants qui souffrent d’une peau sèche. Il débarrasse la peau de bébé des impuretés sans l’agresser grâce à une composition hautement tolérable à base d’ingrédients naturels et biologiques. On l’applique à l’aide d’un coton sur le corps et le visage : c’est notre sauveur en cas de compote qui aurait fait quelques détours autour de la bouche.


  • Hydrater une fois par jour en n’oubliant pas les zones cachées telles que le cou, l’arrière des oreilles, les pieds, les mains, etc. C’est un geste important pour prendre soin de la peau de bébé et en ce sens, Topicrem a élaboré Mon 1er lait ultra-hydratant qui contient des actifs physiologiques – c’est-à-dire qui composent naturellement la peau : la glycérine et l’urée. Sa texture onctueuse ne colle pas et pénètre rapidement ; la peau de bébé est hydratée pendant 24 heures.


Prendre soin de la peau de bébé devient alors une évidence, un petit rituel que l’on met en place.

What happens to joints as you age?
What happens to joints as you age?

Your joints are your body’s support system – literally. Whether you’re doing day-to-day movements like walking, sitting, standing, or stretching, or more intense activities like weightlifting or rock climbing, your joints allow you to move freely. However, no matter how healthy you are, your joints will begin to show some changes in mobility after a lifetime of activity. If not addressed, decreased joint mobility can cause occasional discomfort.


Let’s look at how your joints change with age and what you can do with your routine to help promote joint health.


  • The structure of joints

Before we address how aging affects joints, it’s important to understand the basic structure of joints. Cartilage cushions the ends of the bones, allowing them to move smoothly and easily against each other. A membrane called the synovium surrounds the joints and is filled with synovial fluid – a thick substance that helps keep your cartilage healthy. The health of each of these things – bones, cartilage, and synovial fluid – all contribute to healthy joints.


  • Age-related changes in bones 

Bone health is fundamental to maintaining healthy joints. Throughout your life, your body is continually engaging in a process called remodeling, during which old bone is removed and replaced with new, fresh bone. Up until about the age of 40, all bone is replaced. After age 40, however, less bone is replaced over time.


One of the best ways to promote healthy bones is to make sure you’re getting adequate calcium in your diet. Calcium is the main mineral found in bones, and it is the most important mineral for bone health. Because old bone cells are constantly being broken down and replaced with new ones, it’s important to consume calcium daily to maintain bone structure and strength.


Taking a calcium supplement is one of the easiest ways to get your daily dose of calcium in a form that your body can easily absorb. 


  • Age-related changes in cartilage

Cartilage is your body’s natural shock absorber. As you age, your joints can occasionally become stiff and impact flexibility because the amount of lubricating fluid inside your joints decreases, and your cartilage can become thin.2 This decreased cartilage can cause stiffness, especially after sitting or lying down for long periods of time.


Without cartilage, the bones wouldn’t have anything protecting them and may start to rub together, causing discomfort or stiffness.



With bone mass and cartilage starting to decrease as you age, it may seem like maintaining healthy joints can be a losing battle. Thankfully, however, there are many ways that you can help promote healthy joints within your daily routine and continue the activities you love.



Strength training is great for building muscle, but did you know that it can also promote healthy joints? Strengthening the muscles stabilizes the joints and helps to take the pressure off weaker, worn-out joints. Be sure to talk to your healthcare practitioner before introducing new exercises to your routine.



What you eat affects every aspect of your health – including your joints. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, flaxseed, salmon, or other fatty fish, can help regulate the production of signaling molecules that can affect your joints.



Exercise and a balanced diet are crucial but taking a supplement can also help support your joint health especially where there may be nutrient gaps in your diet.



Curcumin also offers a range of benefits, and joint health is one of them. Curcumin acts as an antioxidant, helping to fight free radicals that are naturally produced in the body. Free radicals can lead to oxidative stress, which is negatively associated with joint health.



Glucosamine is a chemical compound naturally found in cartilage, the tough tissue that cushions your joints. Glucosamine can help support healthy joints by supporting cells called chondrocytes, which help maintain cartilage structure. Glucosamine is also found in some animal and other non-human tissues, including shellfish shells, animal bones, and fungi. However, one of the best ways to get glucosamine externally is through a supplement.



Your joint mobility and flexibility may be impacted as part of the normal aging process, but by taking the right steps, you can continue to do what you love. Exercising, eating a balanced diet, and taking supplements for joint health can help keep you moving with ease. And besides, age is just a number, right?

4 conseils pour booster la régénération cellulaire la nuit
4 conseils pour booster la régénération cellulaire la nuit

Vous rêvez d’une peau lisse, rebondie et fraîche à votre réveil ? Pour cela, il faut avoir les bons gestes !


La nuit, la peau active ses mécanismes naturels de récupération et de régénération. C’est notamment pendant les « golden hours », c’est-à-dire entre 23h et 2h, que la régénération de la peau atteint son pic maximum d’activité. Le stress, l’âge, les nuits plus courtes enrayent ce processus naturel de la peau. D’où l’importance d’adopter une bonne routine du soir pour booster ce phénomène de récupération.




Gommer permet de débarrasser des cellules mortes et des traces de maquillage qui « asphyxient » la peau, provoquant un phénomène d’oxydation prématuré. Grâce aux micro-grains qu’il contient combiné au massage lors de l’application, le gommage contribue à augmenter la régénération cellulaire.



Pour optimiser l’efficacité des soins hydratants* et régénérants, il est recommandé d’utiliser une lotion de soin.



Afin de booster la régénération des cellules, des massages faciaux quotidiens peuvent être réalisés pendant l’application du soin, pour gagner du temps !

Par exemple, commencez par déposer par effleurages légers votre soin régénérant au centre du visage : front, nez, menton. Activez la pénétration en décrivant à doigts plats et joints des balayages du centre du visage vers l’extérieur, du front jusqu’au cou. Enfin, relaxez les traits en effectuant des gestes circulaires autour des yeux, puis en effectuant des pressions le long des sourcils, sur les tempes, de la narine vers l’oreille et terminez par le menton.



Pour subvenir aux besoins de la peau la nuit, privilégiez des soins adaptés à votre type de peau. Vous pouvez demander conseils à l’une de nos conseillères

L’argile verte : un actif plein de vertus !
L’argile verte : un actif plein de vertus !

L’argile verte est un actif connu depuis des siècles pour ses multiples vertus. Découvrez pourquoi l’intégrer dans votre routine de la rentrée.


Pure et naturelle, l’argile verte est une terre extraite de carrières puis séchée au soleil. Riche en minéraux et oligo-éléments, elle offre de nombreux bienfaits qui permettent de soigner divers maux (petits boutons, inflammations, cicatrices etc…).


Ses principales actions :

  • Elle purifie la peau grâce à son rôle d’éponge naturelle. Elle absorbe et régule le sébum de la peau
  • Elle possède des propriétés cicatrisantes et antiseptiques qui vont accélérer la guérison des boutons
  • Elle est riche en silice et en minéraux essentiels (calcium,  fer, magnésium…).
  • Elle apaise la peau en cas d’inflammation


L’argile est donc un incontournable pour le soin de l’épiderme et particulièrement pour les peaux mixtes à grasses.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy
Foods to avoid during pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, the needs of your baby come first. Because of that important change in your life, there are certain foods to avoid during pregnancy. Removing these foods from your diet can keep you and your baby happy and healthy through all three trimesters. Additionally, avoiding these foods can help you steer clear of harmful bacteria like Salmonella and listeria that can lead to illness and even miscarriage. Here are some foods we recommend you avoid during pregnancy.


  • Unwashed Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a big part of the perfect pregnancy diet. We recommend that you wash all the fruits and vegetables you choose to eat. When you wash your fruits and vegetables, you reduce the risk that you’ll be exposed to the parasite toxoplasmosis that can be found in the soil where these foods are grown.


  • Alcohol

When you find out you’re pregnant, it’s important to stop drinking alcohol immediately. Exposing your baby to alcohol in the womb—even at the earliest stages of development—can interfere with the healthy growth of the fetus. In extreme cases, it can even lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


  • Caffeine

Though you may love the grande latte you get every day, your baby will not. The caffeine in that latte can be absorbed by your baby. And because caffeine is a stimulant, it can cause changes in your baby’s sleep and normal movement patterns. Studies on animals have even shown that caffeine consumption can lead to birth defects, premature labor, and increased risk of low-birth weight. We suggest being better safe than sorry—cut the caffeine from your diet and you and your baby will rest easy.


  • Raw Eggs

Raw eggs may contain salmonella which can make you and your baby sick. Cooked eggs, and products that contain raw eggs but are cooked or baked at some point, are fine in moderation. But products like homemade ice cream, mayonnaise, and Hollandaise sauce should be avoided at all costs.


  • Imported Soft Cheese

Many imported soft cheeses are made with unpasteurized milk and can contain the listeria bacteria. For that reason, we recommend avoiding imported cheeses like brie, feta, Camembert, and Roquefort. Check the ingredients label to be sure.