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What is my skin type? How to set up a custom skincare routine
What is my skin type? How to set up a custom skincare routine

Your skin is unique. Just because a product works for someone else is no guarantee you will see the same results. Customizing your skincare routine for your particular needs will offer the biggest benefits to your skin, but that process starts with one simple question: What is my skin type?


What Is My Skin Type? Choose the Right Care for Your Skin

Crafting a routine that brings you your happiest skin will inherently take some trial and error. However, if you have tried a variety of products only to be left with skin that feels irritated, shows visible signs of breakouts or just looks less than healthy, it's time to take a closer look at your skin type.

Here's how to recognize your skin type and choose the best products to fit it.


Dry Skin

All skin types can experience dryness. Regardless of your skin type, skin can also become more dry as you age. The difference is that while other skin types might feel dry due to seasonal changes, low humidity or certain products, those with a dry skin type deal with it all the time.

If you have been piling on the moisturizer to no avail, try taking a closer look at the ingredients in your routine as a whole. Avoid drying ingredients or harsh formulations that strip the skin of oil, as they run the risk of further drying out already parched skin. Instead, try formulations designed for sensitive and dry skin, such as a milk cleanser made with moisturizing oils, to leave your skin feeling clean, soft and comfortable.


Oily Skin

This skin type tends to look shiny, and you might see more breakouts than those with dry skin. Climate, genetics, age and diet may all increase the oil content of skin, but oily skin types in particular struggle to stay matte. One common mistake many make when dealing with oily skin is attempting to strip the skin of its natural oils. This causes the skin to ramp up oil production in response — resulting in even oilier skin and more opportunities for breakouts to form.

Even oily skin needs proper moisture. It's all about balance: A facial cleanser that combines oil-absorbing clay with lightly hydrating ingredients will clear away dirt, makeup and debris without stripping the skin. It is also recommended to regularly do face masks to control the sebum level.

Combination Skin

This skin type can be a bit trickier, as this skin type is a patchwork of both dry and oily areas. Usually, combination skin is oily in the T-zone (the forehead, nose and chin) and driest on the cheeks. Try using different skincare products on different areas of the face — such as a richer, more moisturizing cream on the cheeks and a lighter moisturizer in the T-zone. Skincare for combination skin should also start with a nourishing cleanser that exfoliates the skin while still leaving it feeling comfortable. Look for product formulations that balance pH to condition the skin.

How Does Humidity Affect Your Skin?
How Does Humidity Affect Your Skin?

Have you ever noticed a difference in your skin after visiting a different location? Or, perhaps, at the start of a new season? It's due to the fluctuating humidity levels.

Humidity, in addition to your hair, can have a significant impact on the health of your skin. So be ready to battle the negative consequences of humidity fluctuations whenever they occur. Are you curious as to how?


How Does Humidity Affect Your Skin?

Humidity refers to the number of water droplets in the air. A proper combination of humid and arid conditions is required for healthy skin. Humidity levels that are too high or too low might be harmful to your skin. For example, if you live in an area where the humidity level is too low, your skin will feel dry and scaly. If you live in an area with excessive humidity, on the other hand, your skin may become prone to acne and rashes.


  1. Extreme Humidity
  • Excessive Sweating

You may have observed that summer is unbearably hot. When the environment is extremely humid, a regular temperature feels severe. You sweat significantly more when the temperature is high and the humidity is high. The worst thing is that, due to the extreme heat, sweat evaporates but the moisture remains on your skin, making you feel much worse.

  • Acne Breakout

Excessive sweating is a common result of high humidity, and it brings with it a slew of skin problems. Acne outbreaks are one such skin issue. Sweating clogs your pores, causing uncomfortable pimples to appear on your skin. Acne is characterized by redness, itchiness, and discomfort.


  1. Reduced Humidity
  • Skin that is dry

Low humidity means there isn't enough moisture in the air, which is harmful for your skin. Moisture is required for soft and supple skin on any type of skin. Low humidity causes your skin's natural oils to be depleted. It becomes excessively dry and flaky due to a lack of moisture. You may experience skin cracking and bleeding if the weather is really dry.


  • Allergy Signs and Symptoms

If you have skin allergies, the low humidity can aggravate them. When the humidity level lowers, your skin becomes dry. In addition, your nasal passages become exceedingly dry. If you have allergies, you may notice that your nose is bleeding. A sinus infection can also be caused by nose bleeding.


How Do You Take Care Of Your Skin When It's Hot Outside?


  1. Getting to Know Your Skin

To protect your skin from the effects of humid weather, start by getting to know your skin. Knowing your skin type will assist you understand what kind of precautions you should take in the event of severe weather. Choose the product that is most suited for your skin type from a myriad of options available for various skin types. You'll be able to prepare your skin for the humid weather this way.


  1. Keep Your Skin Clean

Assuming you are somebody with sleek or blend skin, mugginess is absolutely an element that would make your skin feel more terrible. Make it a highlight keep your skin clean consistently to forestall skin inflammation breakouts or other skin rashes. Utilize a non-comedogenic chemical. Likewise assuming you have skin inflammation inclined skin, use chemicals formed with salicylic corrosive and benzoyl peroxide.


  1. Saturate Daily

Cream is an absolute necessity regardless of the dampness level. For high moistness conditions, you might pick a calming lightweight lotion that keeps your skin delicate and hydrated. Assuming you are residing in places with low moistness, your skin becomes dry and irritated. In such cases, it is smarter to apply a body salve or body spread to shield it from being dry and dull.


  1. Wear A Sunscreen

Regardless the climate condition is, applying sunscreen is necessary. It is the most effective way to shield your skin from outrageous climate conditions, other than protecting it from the hurtful UV beams. Make sure to wear sunscreen any place you go out in the sun or you settle on a swimming meeting. Pick a sunscreen that suits your skin type and gives you the most extreme advantages.


  1. Attempt A Humidifier

You can get a humidifier to control the climate of your home. A humidifier will assist with adjusting the air hydration by driving dampness into the environment. On the off chance that you can handle the climate around you, you can handle your skin too. Humidifiers are amazingly valuable, particularly during winter or summer.


  1. Enjoy Weekly Facials

Decide to do week by week facials to keep your skin pores unclogged, clean, and liberated from oil, sweat, and item development. Additionally, appropriately shed your skin with natively constructed clean or baking pop. Facial steam also works incredible on your skin. Truth be told, taking a facial steam before your shedding cycle, would help in opening your pores and cleaning them from inside. You can utilize a facial covering likewise to assimilate abundance oil from your skin.

Cervical cancer: Act now before it is too late

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, an organ of the female reproductive tract. It connects the vagina with the main body of the uterus, acting as a gateway between them. Cervical cancer occurs when the DNA in the cells lining the cervix undergo mutations causing the cells to grow and multiply uncontrollably. The abnormal cells accumulate and form a mass known as a tumor. According to the World Health Organisation, nearly all cervical cancers are linked to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).  HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection and is spread by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. Other risk factors include smoking and a weakened immune system. According to recent statistics from the HPV information centre (2021), cervical cancer ranks 3rd as the most frequent cancer among women in Mauritius and 2nd as the most frequent cancer among women aged between 15 and 44 years old.


Cervical cancer symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms include:

  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • more vaginal discharge than usual
  • vaginal discharge having an unusual colour and strong odour.
  • vaginal bleeding between periods
  • menstrual bleeding that is longer or heavier than usual
  • pelvic pain



Risk of cervical cancer can be reduced by:

  • HPV vaccine

HPV vaccine is safe and prevents cervical cancer. The WHO advocates two doses of HPV vaccine spaced at least 6 months apart for all girls aged 9-14 years. The most effective way to prevent HPV infection is to get vaccinated before having sex for the first time. The HPV vaccine is not recommended for women older than age 26 years since more women belonging to this age range have already been exposed to HPV.

  • Routine Pap tests

Pap tests can detect precancerous conditions of the cervix, so they can be monitored or treated in order to prevent cervical cancer.

  • Practice safe sex

Take necessary measures to prevent sexually transmitted infections by using a condom during sex and limiting the number of sexual partners.

  • Stop smoking

Women who smoke are more at risk of developing cervical cancer than those who do not smoke. Tobacco by-products have been found in the cervical mucus of women who smoke and these substances damage the DNA of cervix cells which then lead to cervical cancer.


At MedActiv, we believe that health education leads to actions and changes in lifestyle which are conducive to health. This January during cervical cancer awareness month, MedActiv encourages HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. HPV vaccine is available in our pharmacies upon request. Ask advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Healthy recipes powered by Wellness Warehouse
Healthy recipes powered by Wellness Warehouse
  1. Quinoa: Good for your bones

Are you lactose intolerant or don’t have a liking for milk and want to have strong and healthy bones?

Then we have what you are looking for.

Quinoa is a boon to build strong bones. Harnessed with nutrients like manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and proteins, quinoa has been considered as the bone-building power grain. Do consider this natural healthy grain to fight bone disease and osteoporosis.

Our recipe for quinoa milk


  • 1 cup of quinoa
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of soya oil
  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup


  1. Allow the quinoa to soak in water for 2 hours
  2. Boil the quinoa in the same water during 2-3 minutes on low heat

3.Allow to cool and filter

  1. Add salt, soya oil and maple syrup. Mix to obtain a homogenous mixture.

5.Keep in fridge and consume within 2-3 days

Our white quinoa is readily available in our shops of Wellness Warehouse and in our MedActiv pharmacies across the island.


  1. Buckwheat breakfast porridge

In order to make this buckwheat breakfast porridge, it is best to soak the groats overnight to help ensure they are soft and easier to blend into a porridge, as limited soaking time might create a grittier porridge.

The ratio is 3:1 water to buckwheat groats.

Take a bowl, add water and buckwheat groats and let it soak for the night in the fridge. In the morning the buckwheat grouts will look and taste as if they were cooked into a porridge. Add milk, honey and vanilla to give the porridge a subtly sweet flavour, and topped it with fresh berries and shredded coconut, however, you can use any toppings of your choice.


  1. Eau de Chia

La graine de chia se démarque des autres graines par sa richesse en fibre soluble et en acides gras omégas-3, deux nutriments stars pleins d’effets bénéfiques rares dans l’alimentation moderne typique. De plus, elle apporte une bonne proportion de protéines, vitamines et minéraux.


La graine de chia possède des propriétés :

  • Amincissante
  • Rassasiante
  • Diminue le cholestérol
  • Antidiabétique
  • Laxative
  • Nutritive


  • 4 cuillerées de graines de chia
  • 6 cuillerées de jus de citron
  • 4 tasses d’eau


  1. Mettre les graines de chia à tremper dans une tasse d’eau durant 30 minutes jusqu’à ce que leur fibre d’aspect gélatineux se libère.
  2. Mettre cette eau avec les graines dans un extracteur de jus et mixer jusqu’à obtention d’une pâte.
  3. Ajouter le reste de l’eau et le citron et remuer pour qu’ils se mélangent bien.
  4. Ajouter 12-16 gouttes d’extrait liquide de stévia.


Note: You can find all of these products in our pharmacies

Place  à la détox !
Place à la détox !

Janvier : Une fois les fêtes terminées, place à la détox

Le mois de janvier est souvent synonyme de détox après l'enchaînement de menus festifs et caloriques et nos excès d’alcool pendant les fêtes de fin d’année. S’il est essentiel de savoir se faire plaisir, détoxifier son corps est pareillement une bonne idée pour repartir sur les bonnes bases durant cette nouvelle année qui débute.

Pourquoi avoir recours au détox ?

Bien que nôtre corps dispose d’un système d’épuration très efficace via les émonctoires (le foie, les reins, les intestins, la peau et les poumons) il arrive que ces organes d’élimination soient affaiblis ou que les surcharges soient trop importantes pour être évacuées dans leur intégralité. Dans ce cas, l’organisme stocke les toxines et toxiques dans les tissus, ce qui, à terme, va perturber le bon fonctionnement des cellules. L’accumulation des toxines dans les cellules provoque la fatigue, les maux de tête, les problèmes de peau, le surpoids, les troubles du sommeil, le rhumatisme, les problèmes de circulation ou de digestion. Ces symptômes, d’abord passagers, peuvent finir par devenir chroniques. En stimulant les organes émonctoires et en purifiant l’organisme, la détox va permettre au corps de se libérer de toutes les toxines accumulées et, retrouver ainsi un fonctionnement optimal, pour une meilleure santé.


Comment faire une détox ?

La première étape de la détox consiste à boire beaucoup d’eau. Cela peut paraître évident et simple mais boire de l’eau est l’un des secrets beauté pour conserver un corps sain mais aussi une belle peau ou encore une belle crinière. L’eau facilite le travail des organes émonctoires (surtout les reins), évacue les toxines hydrosolubles, favorise le transit intestinal et fluidifie le sang. On veille à boire au minimum 1,5 à 2 litres par jour, en étalant la consommation sur la journée.

Ensuite, il est nécessaire de stopper l’alcool, les produits transformés et les aliments trop salés, gras et/ou sucrés, de réduire les féculents et de contrôler et bien choisir les matières grasses. Il est également important de privilégier les aliments riches en micronutriments qui accélèrent l’élimination et favorisent la mobilisation des réserves adipeuses et de consommer des jus de légumes et/ou de fruits. Les fruits et légumes contiennent tous les nutriments indispensables pour éliminer : du potassium qui accélère le drainage, des fibres qui piègent les toxines et les évacuent dans les selles, des antioxydants qui réduisent les inflammations et boostent les organes émon­ctoires. Leurs fibres nourrissent aussi les bactéries amies de la flore intestinale, dont l’équilibre a été perturbé par l’abus de graisses et d’aliments protéinés des fêtes. La cuisson des légumes détruit beaucoup d’enzymes, nécessaires pour un corps en bonne santé. Ainsi, la détox est encore plus efficace lorsqu’on mange des aliments crus. On peut notamment en consommer grâce à de savoureux smoothies.


Comment faire après un exces d’alcool ?

Bien que l’alcool ne s’elimine pas par l’urine, l’ingestion de certaines boissons contribute à neutraliser ses effets. L’alcool est un puissant toxique pour toutes les cellules, les microorganismes inclus (raison pour laquelle on l’utilise comme désinfectant). Dans le corps humain, deux types de cellules sont principalement endommagées par la consummation d’alcool: les neurones et les hépatocytes (cellules du foie). De plus, l’alcool est une substance considérée comme cancérigène: sa consummation, même modérée, favorise le cancer du sein, de l’oesophage et du foie entre autres.

Nous vous proposons trois boissons avec pour objectifs de neutraliser autant que possible les effets toxiques de l’alcool sur l’organisme, principalement le cerveau et le foie et de tonifier le système nerveux.

Vous pourrez facilement vous procurer certains des ingredients pour la preparation des boissons  dans nos rayons pour les produits de Wellness Warehouse qui sont desormais disponsible dans nos diverses pharmacies.



Smoothie pouvoir cérébral

Ingrédients : lait d’avoine, mures, myrtilles, fraises, germes de blé, dates dénoyautées, noix

Tonifie le cerveau pour remplacer les nutriments épuisés par la consommation de l’alcool.

Smoothie au fer rouge

Ingrédients : betterave rouge, raisins secs, noix de cajou, jus de citon

La betterave contribute à désintoxiquer et régénérer le foie. De plus, avec les autres ingredients, elle favorise la production de sang pour éviter l’anémie associée à la consummation d’alcool.

Jus nettoyant hépatique

Ingrédients : chou rouge, carottes, pomme, jus de citron

Protège les cellules du foie des dommages causes par l’alcool.


Quels sont les différents types de produits de détox disponsibles ?

Les produits de détox  permettent de purifier le corps de façon naturelle et contribuent à l'élimination des toxines présentes dans nôtre organisme. Il existe plusieurs catégories de produits détox et ils n'ont pas tous la même action.

  1. Superdiet Protocole Detox

Protocole Détox Bio est un programme ciblé et progressif de 30 jours se déroulant en 3 phases successives de 10 jours. Ces 3 complexes de plantes Bio en ampoule sont formulés selon les principes de la naturopathie à base de plantes sélectionnées our vous par les laboratoires superdiet

Phase 1 : 10 jours

La phase 1 est un complexe de 4 plantes : L’Artichaut est reconnu pour ses propriétés détox et participle au bon fonctionnement du foie. Le Radis Noir, le Chardon Marie et le Romarin complètent cette formule.

Phase 2 : 10 jours

La phase 2 associe 4 plantes : Le Pissenlit et le Sureau contribuent à l’élimination rénale de l’eau. Le Bouleau et l’Arichaut sont reconnus pour participer au processus de detoxification de l’organisme.

Phase 3 : 10 jours

La phase 3 est une formule associant 4 plantes : La Bardane est reconnue pour le maintien d’une peau nette et facilite les fonctions d’élimination de l’organisme. Cette formulation est complétée par la Pensée sauvage, le Pissenlit et la Carotte.


Conseils d’utilisation

Les 10 premiers jours, prendre 1 ampoule portant l'inscription "RADIS NOIR - ARTICHAUT - CHARDON MARIE - ROMARIN BIO" par jour, dans un demi-verre d'eau. Agiter avant emploi, il est normal qu'un dépôt apparaisse au fond de l'ampoule. Les 10 jours suivants, prendre 1 ampoule portant l'inscription "PISSENLIT - SUREAU - BOULEAU - ARTICHAUT BIO" par jour, dans un demi-verre d'eau. Les 10 derniers jours, prendre 1 ampoule portant l'inscription "BARDANE - PISSENLIT - PENSEE SAUVAGE - CAROTTE BIO" par jour, dans un demi-verre d'eau.


Precautions d’emploi

Ne pas utiliser pendant la grossesse ou l’allaitement. Ne pas utiliser en cas d'occlusion des voies biliaires et intestinales et en cas d'infection de la vésicule biliaire. Déconseillé aux enfants et aux adolescents de moins de 18 ans. Déconseillé aux personnes souffrant d’allergie aux dérivés salicylés et aux plantes de la famille des Astéracées et des Composées. Déconseillé aux personnes sous anti-coagulants et en cas de maladie hépatique ou biliaire. Déconseillé en cas de troubles cardiaques, de troubles rénaux, de diabète et en cas de prise simultanée de médicaments diurétiques. Déconseillé en cas d’hypothyroïdie ou de traitement de la thyroïdie, consultez préalablement un professionnel de santé. Consulter un médecin en cas de calculs biliaires. Toute démarche de drainage est déconseillée en cas d’oedèmes liés à une insuffisance cardiaque ou rénale et doit se faire dans le cadre d’une alimentation équilibrée et associée à la consommation d’environ 1,5 litre d’eau par jour. Il est recommandé de respecter les doses conseillées, de veiller à avoir une alimentation variée et équilibrée et un mode de vie sain. Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants. Usage oral uniquement - ne convient pas en injection.


  1. Superdiet Drainaflore Bio


Drainaflore Bio est un complexe exclusif de 15 plantes Biologiques dont la Bardane et la Pensée sauvage, reconnues pour le maintien d’une Peau nette, la Chicorée, qui contribue à protéger le Foie des toxines, le Bouleau, contribuant à l’activité Intestinale, le Chiendent, reconnu pour aider les fonctions excrétrices des Reins et la Mauve qui participe au bien-être des Voies respiratoires. Chacune de ces plantes agit ainsi sur 1 des 5 émonctoires à savoir : Peau, Foie, Intestins, Reins et Poumons

Conseils d’utilisation

1 ampoule par jour.

Precautions d’emploi

Ne pas consommer de façon prolongée. Le programme peut être renouvelé plusieurs fois dans l'année. Ne pas utiliser chez les enfants et adolescents de moins de 18 ans. Déconseillé aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes. Ne pas utiliser avec des anticoagulants. En cas de prise simultanée d'autres médicaments, demandez l'avis de votre médecin. Déconseillé en cas de calculs biliaires. Déconseillé en cas d'hypothyroïdie ou de traitement de la thyroïde, consultez préalablement un professionnel de santé. Déconseillé aux personnes souffrant d'allergie aux dérivés salicylés et aux plantes de la famille des Astéracées. Il est recommandé de respecter les doses conseillées, de veiller à avoir une alimentation variée et équilibrée et un mode de vie sain. Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants. Usage oral uniquement - ne convient pas en injection.


  1. Dietaroma Détox

Drain'idéal - détox 5 émonctoires Bio du laboratoire Dietaroma est un complément alimentaire permettant de détoxiquer l'organisme.

Dietaroma a sélectionné 7 plantes pour une triple action :

-Le bouleau: contribue à la détoxification de l’organisme.
- La bardane : a une action naturelle sur le bon fonctionnement de la peau.
- La chicorée : contribue aux fonctions d’éliminations rénales de l’eau.
- La mauve : contribue au maintien des fonctions intestinales.
- Le radis noir complète ce cocktail.
- La vigne rouge : contribue à une fonction circulatoire.
- L'ortie : contribue aux fonctions d'élimination de l'organisme.

Conseils d’utilisation

1 ampoule par jour suffit : à prendre le matin diluée dans un grand verre d’eau.
Astuce : vous pouvez également diluer l’ampoule dans une bouteille d’eau et la boire tout au long de la journée.

Précautions d’emploi:

Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.

Ne se substitue pas à un régime alimentaire équilibré et varié et à un mode de vie sain.

Tenir hors de portée des enfants

Déconseillé aux personnes souffrant d’allergie au dérivés salicylés.

  1. Biocyte water detox

Water Detox Minceur est un complément alimentaire composé de délicieux fruits et plantes qui permet détoxification et minceur grâce à l’extrait de Chicorée qui aide à la perte de poids dans le cadre d’un régime minceur et contribue à la détoxification.

Conseils d’utilisation

Verser 250 ml d’eau sur 4 cuillères doseuses arasées (soit 16 g) et agiter jusqu’à dissolution complète. Consommer une fois par jour. Boire frais.

Précautions d’emploi :

Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée. A conserver au frais, au sec et à l’abri de la lumière. Les compléments alimentaires doivent être utilisés dans le cadre d’un mode de vie sain et ne pas être utilisés comme substituts d’un régime alimentaire varié et équilibré.


Quels soins détox pour la peau ?

Filorga Scrub & Detox

Filorga Scrub & Detox est un exfoliant mousse double action pour détoxifier intensément et révéler une peau neuve en 5 minutes.

Étape 1 – Double exfoliation [mécanique + enzymatique]

Appliquer par massages circulaires sur une peau propre et humide. Un complexe double peeling associant des micro-sphères volcaniques et de la papaine resurfaçante exfolie la peau en douceur pour la débarrasser des impuretés et révéler un grain de peau plus lisse.


 Étape 2 – Détoxification cutanée [immédiate + durable]

Laisser reposer 2/3 minutes. Des polyphénols détoxifiants et du charbon actif agissent pour libérer la peau du stress cutané et laisser transparaitre un teint pur et éclatant. Rincer abondamment à l’eau tiède. Un complexe apaisant [niacinamide + vitamine E] enveloppe la peau d’un film protecteur imperceptible pour lutter contre les agressions quotidiennes. Ce gommage donne un réel coup d'éclat à la peau du visage.

Rosehip Oil: Uses & Health Benefits in Skin Care
Rosehip Oil: Uses & Health Benefits in Skin Care

Rosehip oil is an ingredient loved by many, with an interesting name and a wide variety of skincare benefits. Extracted from the fruit (known as rose hips) and seeds, rosehip oil can help with inflammation and pain, and may strengthen the immune system due to an incredibly high vitamin C content! Rose hips are versatile and are often used as hero ingredients in popular skincare products, especially inside products specially formulated to treat symptoms associated with sensitive skin and oily skin.

But it’s not just the skincare and health supplements industry that benefits from rose hips, they are also used in the health and supplements industry to make a variety of perishable goods, such as jam, jelly, syrup, soup and beverages such as herbal tea infusions. Rose hips can also be eaten raw, although don’t expect a taste as appealing as roses - they are tangy and have strong hibiscus notes with supporting citrus flavours.

What is Rosehip Oil?

Rosehip oil, also known as rosehip seed oil, rose haw or rose hep, is a pressed oil produced from the berry-like fruits of different varieties of the rose plant. Rose hips are the fruiting bodies of the rose (developed after the rose has been fertilised) - in a sweet dance, the petals drop off, the hip (uterus) enlarges and the wonderful seeds we have come to love are formed.

The rose plant is part of the rosa genus in the rosaceae family which comprises approximately 150 reported species. Although rosehip oil could theoretically be made using any of the rose plants in this family, certain varieties such as Rosa rubiginosa and Rosa canina will produce better quality rosehip oil that offers far more nutrients and benefits. The extraction method utilised when processing rose hips will also have an influence on the quality and benefits of rosehip oil.

Rosehip oil differs from rose oil which is created using the petals of the Rosa damascena plant and not the fruit of the Rosa canina, Rosa rubiginosa, or Rosa moschata plants.

Rose hips are remarkable and contain the highest vitamin C content among horticultural crops, fruits and vegetables. They also contain a load of bioactive and beneficial compounds which we’ll cover in more detail later!


What’s Inside Rose Hips and Rosehip Oil?

Depending on the way in which you use or consume rose hips, you’ll be able to derive different benefits from this star ingredient as different components are available in different forms. Rose hips contain a variety of important acids and bioactives that are beneficial for your skin and health, depending on the quality of the rose plant’s fruit and the method of extraction.


Active Ingredients Found in Rose Hips

Rose hips contain a variety of bioactive compounds. Let’s take a look at this list of nutrients and vitamins inside rose hips, and what their benefits are briefly:

  • Carotenoids and retinoids (preformed vitamin A)
  • Tocopherol (has vitamin E activity)
  • Polyphenols
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Tannins and pectin
  • Sugars, amino acids, organic acids
  • Folates
  • Essential oils: a mixture of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, terpenoids and esters, such as: vitispirane; α-E-acaridial; dodecanoic acid; hexadecanoic acid; docosane; β-ionone; 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one; myristic acid; linoleic acid/vitamin F (an omega 6 fatty acid).
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid(vitamin F), gamma-linolenic acid.
  • Bioactive compounds

In particular, the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) found inside rose hips cannot be synthesised by the human body, and must be supplied through diet. EFAs are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (fatty acid compounds containing 18-20 carbons).

Although this may sound complicated, you have probably heard of common examples of fatty acids such as Omega-3 (linolenic acid) and Omega-6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids, which may support brain function and cell growth. Other EFAs may also regulate blood pressure, viscosity, immune, and inflammatory responses. The high vitamin C content inside rose hips is part of what makes it so special. Vitamin C is just as important for the skin as it is for the immune system.


What Does Rosehip Oil Smell Like & What Colour is Rosehip Oil?

Although you might be led to believe that rosehip oil may resemble the sweet inviting scent of rosebuds, rosehip oil’s scent is far more subtle and contains pleasant earthy aromas. Some species of rose such as Rosa rubiginosa (also known as Rosa mosqueta) has a fleshy and marine-like scent with an almost fishy odour.

The colour of rose hips typically range between orange and red but may also be a dark purple or black colour in some species of rose plant. Rosehip oil similarly occurs in hues ranging from orange to a soft yellow or strong red in appearance. This is largely dependent on the rose hip used to press the rose hip seed oil or may even depend on the extraction method used during processing.


How is Rosehip Oil Extracted from the Rose Plant and Processed?

High-grade rosehip oil is most often determined based on where the rosa canina plants have been cultivated and the method of extraction of the oil from the fruit.

There are three common extraction methods for rosehip oil:

  1. Solvent extraction - Using maceration (crushing of the fruit) and a solvent to extract the oil from the rosehips.
  2. Cold press extraction - Using pressure to extract oil from the fruit and seeds of the Rosa canina plant.
  3. Supercritical extraction - Highly pressurised carbon dioxide and low temperatures are used for optimal extraction of the rosehip oil.

The highest quality oil is extracted by utilising organic solvents, using a combination of 50% ethanol, 30% water, and 20% cold-pressed vinegar. After vaporising the solvent, the brown-yellow crystals that remain indicate identical structures to vitamin A acid with a concentration of 80%.


What Does Rosehip Oil Do & Its Benefits?

Rosehip oil is renowned for a variety of skincare benefits. It may provide anti-ageing benefits, calm inflammation, assist with clearing acne, reduce oiliness, and help with treating other skin conditions. The incredibly high vitamin C content inside rosehip oil also makes it one powerful asset!


The Benefits of Rosehip Oil

The benefits of rosehip oil are wide-ranging and it has been used in traditional & herbal medicine as well as pharmaceutical formulations. It can be used to benefit the body in a variety of ways when applied to the skin, hair, or used in other formulations.

It has become a popular ingredient in skincare due to its range of ingredients which may promote stronger, healthier skin and is suitable for a range of skin types, including oily skin, dry skin, sensitive combination skin and ageing skin.


Which Skin Conditions & Skin Issues Can You Treat Using Rosehip Oil?


Reduce Acne

Retinol, vitamin A, helps regulate sebum production which may prevent blackheads and whiteheads from forming. Retinol is also a strong keratolytic (or peeling agent) that increases the rate of skin cell turnover by removing the build-up of dead cells. This process prevents dead skin cell debris from clogging pores, reducing the resulting acne.

Oily skin that experiences acne will also benefit from rosehip oil as it contains retinoic acid - a highly effective drying agent for oily skin and pimples. By reducing oil, you can cut off the ammunition for acne to form.

Reduce Inflammation

Rosehip oil contains a key powerful antioxidant in high concentrations - vitamin C. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C fights free radicals, preventing damage to the skin’s barrier, and also works to reduce inflammation associated with skin breakouts and improve hyperpigmentation (the discolouration of the skin due to acne).

Regulate Sebum Production and Treat Scarring

Bad acne breakouts, and severe types of acne can also cause scarring, which rosehip oil can help fix through the high content of essential fatty and unsaturated acids rosehip oil possesses. Fatty acids play a key role in the permeability of cell membranes and skin’s injury repair mechanisms.

The presence of linoleic acid inside rosehip oil also helps regulate sebum production, which is great news for those with oily skin, as it can prevent your pores from becoming clogged with oil, resulting in breakouts.

The inflammation associated with acne can also be reduced by using rosehip oil, which contains anti-inflammatory elements, which we explain below in reference to rosacea - causing flare-ups of severe visible inflammation along with pus filled bumps over the course of weeks or even months!

 Rosehip Oil for Rosacea

Rosehip oil is well-known as an anti-inflammatory ingredient and helps treat the inflammation associated with rosacea. Rosehip oil contains polyphenols and anthocyanin (a flavonoid with antioxidant effects).

Rosacea not only results in visibly inflamed skin but it also composes of small pustules/pimples that appear on the skin’s surface. Rosehip oil contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, and flavonoids with antioxidant properties, both of which assist in clearing pimples associated with rosacea.

Rosehip Oil for Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition characterised by itchy skin, inflammation, flaky skin, and dryness, and there are 7 different types of eczema, the most common being atopic dermatitis. Eczema occurs in dry skin that has low levels of essential fatty acid, which is also characteristic of a skin barrier that is compromised and unable to retain moisture to perform regular skin functions.

Providing your skin with hydration and the correct essential fatty acids (found in rosehip oil) can strengthen the skin’s barrier and protect cells. Due to the itchiness associated with eczema, eczema sufferers will often damage their skin further through scratching the skin - which may even result in scarring. Providing your skin with the necessary essential fatty acids can strengthen the skin’s barrier and repair it to restore the natural functions of the skin. A stronger skin barrier results in the skin being able to retain water, improving the state of chronically dry skin associated with eczema.

Rosehip Oil for Wrinkles

To understand how rosehip oil may reduce wrinkles, we need to first determine how wrinkles occur. Generally, wrinkles occur due to the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres in the skin, both of which are essential as connective tissues within the skin’s structure. This can occur as a result of sunlight exposure, or as we age naturally and our skin loses moisture which interrupts the skin barrier’s natural functions - helping to heal and protect the skin.

Rosehip oil contains essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A. All of these key acids and vitamins promote the production of collagen, fight free radicals, which damage the skin’s barrier and clear bacteria from pores, and encourage skin cell turnover and the skin barrier’s functions to perform optimally. A skin barrier that performs its normal functions optimally results in a stronger skin barrier, and skin that looks and feels healthier.

 Rosehip Oil for Aged Skin & Premature Ageing Skin

Extensive scientific research has shown that vitamin A acid has a positive effect on aged skin. It supports the keratin migration cycle that is responsible for a natural cell regeneration of the skin. After using Rosa mosqueta oil (obtained from Rosa rubiginosa) for three weeks on your skin topically, an increase in renewed cells in the epidermis is noticed. The cells are also stimulated to produce more collagen, which after a daily application of fourteen months, makes the skin look smoother, fresher, and more supple. Vitamin A acid also supports the natural process of removing old skin and clearing the hair follicle.

Rosehip Oil for Scars & Stretch Marks

A study, conducted on 52 people (out of 108 people) with dry skin who completed a treatment involving isotretinoin and remained with serious scars, provided significant successful preliminary results including the disappearance of erythema as in elevation of the base and softening scar edges within 6-12 weeks of applying pure rosehip mosqueta oil. Favourable effects on epithelialisation were also noted.

Vitamin A acid has also shown that (when applied topically over three months) scars were softened and the skin became flexible once again. Research indicates that topically applied oils containing essential fatty acids will speed up the wound-healing process by assisting the formation of prostaglandins. It’s not just excisional wound healing the rosehip oil is beneficial for, it’s also useful to treat scars resulting from acne and more serious breakouts.

This is largely due to rosehip oils' high concentration of essential fatty acids, which as we have covered above, assists in strengthening of the skin’s barrier and allows the skin to perform its natural functions - such as regenerating cells, which repairs damaged skin (and stimulation with keratin migration cycle), improves scars and helps damaged tissue.

Stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched rapidly and the production of collagen is disrupted. Rosehip oil also promotes the synthesis of collagen and improves skin elasticity which is crucial for restoring overstretched skin.

Rosehip Oil and Hyperpigmentation & Skin Discoloration

As mentioned briefly earlier, rosehip oil contains vitamin A, which is effective at providing treatment for hyperpigmentation. Retinol (vitamin A) also inhibits the melanin-producing enzyme tyrosinase - interfering with pigment transfer and speeding up cell turnover through effective exfoliation.

The standard treatment for pigmentation involves the combination of exfoliating existing stained skin and blocking of melanin production to slow down new pigmentation - making vitamin A sound like a no-brainer. It should be noted that this isn’t the most effective ingredient when it comes to reducing hyperpigmentation and there are other ingredients out there for those experiencing severe cases of pigmentation.

Rosehip oil’s linoleic acid content may also reduce hyperpigmentation and does so by encouraging the turnover of the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin, which will assist in the removal of melanin pigment from the epidermis.

Other elements of rosehip, lycopene and beta carotene, are also said to provide skin lightening benefits, whilst studies conducted on rosehip oil in relation to animals have shown that rosehip oil does contain melanin-reducing properties.

How to Apply Rosehip Oil?

Although it is unlikely that rosehip oil will cause an allergic reaction, it is recommended to apply it to a small section of skin initially to test any negative interaction with your skin. Generally, rosehip oil should be applied up to twice per day, either by itself or you can add it to your daily moisturiser to enrich your skin’s hydration.


Which Skin Types Can Rosehip Oil Help?

In particular, rosehip oil is ideal for the following skin types:

  • Oily skin
  • Combination skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Breakout-prone skin


Other Uses for Rosehip Oil

Rosehip Oil & Hair

Rosehip is suggested to be useful for improving hair growth and improving scalp health but more research still needs to be undertaken to determine the effectiveness of rosehip oil when it comes to scalp and hair health. The theory is that rosehip oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may assist in reducing inflammation associated with specific scalp conditions. It is also thought that due to rosehip oil’s potential benefits (associated with its key vitamins and fatty acids) that using rosehip oil would provide a healthier foundation for hair growth and create healthy roots. These hero hair growth elements are namely vitamin C, lycopene, and fatty acids.

Rosehip Oil & Pets

When used in shampoo/cleansing formulations, rosehip oil is reportedly great for calming skin irritation, itchiness and more. Dogs may also benefit from the inclusion of rosehip powder in their diet, with specific reference to alleviating skin conditions.

Rosehip Oil in Dietary Supplements

Rosehip oil may be introduced into one’s diet in the form of oil extract or powdered rosehip. It could be consumed on its own, or in the form of one of numerous rose hip by-products, such as rosehip tea, rosehip cordial, rosehip jelly, rosehip syrup or even rosehip vodka (although not all of these by-products are healthy dietary options).


If there is one part of our skin that we should take extra-special care of, it is the skin around our eyes. It is thinner and has fewer oil glands than the rest of the face, which means it shows signs of aging quicker. This thinness makes it more delicate, vulnerable and prone to allergic reactions and skin sensitivity.


Thankfully, there’s a whole category of specially formulated skincare products created to gently yet effectively treat and protect the delicate skin under and around the eyes. We break down exactly how you should be caring for this area, including tips, products and things you should never do.

  • Why is it important to take care of the skin around your eyes?

Whether you’re applying concealer, using a waterproof eye makeup remover or smoothing on eye cream, it’s important to remember to handle the skin around the eyes with care. We know that this skin is extremely fragile because it’s among the thinnest on the body, but it’s also worth noting that eyes are the most mobile parts of the face. People blink an average of 10,000 times a day, which is why it’s the first area to be affected by the appearance of fine lines, also known as crow’s feet.


  •   What is the difference between face moisturizer and eye cream?

A few questions always come up on the topic of eye creams, such as “Do I really need an eye cream?” and “What does eye cream do?” It’s reasonable to wonder why you need a separate cream for the eye area when you already have a perfectly good moisturizer for your face.While eye creams and facial moisturizers are similar, there are some key differences to be aware of. Generally speaking, moisturizers for the face are designed to increase hydration on the skin’s surface. An eye cream, on the other hand, is specifically formulated to be used under and around the eyes, where the skin is more delicate.

For those early signs of aging—crepiness, dryness and fine lines—choose eye care products that contain hydrating ingredients and have a light consistency. Dermatologists often recommend an eye care routine that includes products with eye-specific formulas that are lighter in texture, fragrance-free, ophthalmologist tested (which means cleared for safety by an eye doctor) and packed with moisturizing ingredients because the skin in this area dries out easily, which can intensify the appearance of fine lines. These creams also focus on reducing the appearance of puffy eyes and brightening dark circles.


  • How to apply eye cream?
      • Don’t get confused by the name; you shouldn’t apply eye cream too close to your eyes.
      • Avoid applying directly to eyelids or right next to the lash line, unless the product’s directions say otherwise.
      • Using your ring finger (it has the lightest pressure), gently dab a pea-size amount of product around the orbital bone and then smooth out any excess at the temples.
      • Never tug the skin; pulling will only contribute to the formation wrinkles.

If you’re using too much eye cream or perhaps not the right formula for your skin type, you could develop milia. Milia These are tiny white bumps that often form on cheeks and eyelids and under the eyes. If your eye cream is too heavy and you’re not cleansing your skin effectively, that’s when they can develop. Try swapping it for a lighter formula or an eye serum, but if the problem doesn’t go away consult a dermatologist.


  • What does eye serum do? 

While both creams and serums work to moisturize and care for the delicate skin around the eyes, the latter might prove to deliver the results you desire faster than your go-to cream. Like the serums you use on your face, the best eye serum can penetrate deeper into the skin and deliver a higher dose of active ingredients. Regular use of an eye serum with antioxidants can help reverse crow’s feet and protect from further damage. Eye serums also absorb more easily without leaving any residue behind, making them perfect for application under makeup during the day.


  • How to remove eye makeup?

You might think you’ve already mastered this step, but did you know there’s a right way and a wrong way to remove your makeup? The worst thing you can do for your eyes on a daily basis is to rub them, so be gentle when you use makeup remover. Pulling or tugging at your under eye skin can result in damage and break delicate blood vessels, so make sure you’re not simply relying on a skin cleanser to do the job. Instead, double cleanse with a face cleanser and eye makeup remover. The makeup remover will break down any makeup, remove dirt and excess oils from the day and clean your skin. The cleanser will address your particular skin type or concern and should have ingredients to hydrate, smooth or exfoliate and treat acne.


The best eye makeup remover is one that’s tailored to your skin type. If you have reactive skin, opt for an eye makeup remover for sensitive skin or micellar water. What is micellar water? Micellar water is a multi-use cleansing product made of purified water and micelles. Think of these micelles as tiny balls of cleansing oil suspended in water which make even the toughest waterproof makeup melt cleanly off skin with zero skin irritation.



When you think of the beach and bright weather, living in the tropics can sound appealing. However, if you have had a bad sunburn and been in the scorching weather, you might just alter your mind - and your skincare routine! In tropical countries, there are days when the temperature is just ideal. However, there are times when it becomes terrible. When paired with humidity, it might be difficult for the body to maintain a healthy temperature equilibrium. You begin to sweat profusely, and your skin becomes oilier and stickier as a result.In hot and humid weather, the pores of the skin tend to widen as well. As a result, more oil, grime, and other particles are able to enter the pores.The heat also makes the skin more sensitive, making it more susceptible to skin irritations such as rosacea, acne, eczema, and sunburn. It could leave your skin in shambles if you have clogged pores and sensitive skin.As a result, your skincare routine should be tailored to the climate you reside in.



Sunscreen is often overlooked, but it is one of the most crucial components of a tropical skincare routine. Your skin is exposed to dangerous UV radiation every time you are in the sun. Photoaging occurs when collagen in the skin breaks down, resulting in wrinkles, blemishes, and sagging. Dark patches and an uneven skin tone are also caused by sun exposure.Sunscreen can also assist to reduce the chance of developing skin cancer. When you use sunscreen, your chances of acquiring skin cancer are reduced by half.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of sunscreens to choose from. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes with various functions; moisturizing, tinted, and so on. However, the lotion kind is still the safest option because it provides better coverage for a longer amount of time.


Keep in mind that sunscreens only function for a short amount of time. If you are swimming or staying in the sun for an extended period of time, you may need to reapply sunblock to keep your skin protected from the sun's harmful UV rays.



It is critical to cleanse your skin correctly since debris, oil, and pollution become trapped in your pores. However, any skin cleaner will not suffice. The safest option is to use a gentle skin cleanser that can remove oil and debris without harming your skin's flora. Our skin has a natural layer of protection made up of microorganisms that aid in the fight against harmful bacteria and viruses. The skin flora also aids in the hydration and collagen maintenance of the skin.



If you wish to avoid oiliness and sweat, this may seem counter intuitive. Using an oil-free moisturizer, on the other hand, can help your skin produce less oil and perspiration. It also makes the skin's surface softer, making it less likely for oil and grime to clog your pores. Moisturizers keep your skin hydrated and can help prevent the breakdown of collagen.


Use a moisturizer after your favourite skin cleanser or get better results by using a gentle toner before applying moisturizer. Toners lift dirt and oil that weren’t caught by your facial wash. This step also prepares your skin to absorb the good ingredients more effectively from your moisturizer or serum.


Face masks, in addition to hydrating, are a great method to calm and nourish the skin, especially after a long day in the sun.


If you want to achieve a gorgeous golden tan but do not want to get burned in the sun, self-tanners are a great option. It's a less dangerous technique to achieve that beach glow, plus you won't get sunburned.


Sweat is unpleasant, and an oily sheen is not the same as a golden glow. If you want to get rid of all that perspiration and oil, do not use your hands. Bacteria and viruses can be found on our hands since they come into contact with almost anything. With a touch of your palm, these can transfer to your skin. To remove grease and sweat, blotting papers or a clean handkerchief are preferable.

Festive Season and Our Pets.
Festive Season and Our Pets.

The holiday season is approaching, and everyone is looking forward to spending time with friends and family. It is critical to remember our pet's health and safety as we conclude our Christmas shopping and prepare for visitors or travel. This time of year can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work for our four-legged companions as their surroundings changes and more and more people come to visit.


With all the decorations, presents, and food, there is a heightened danger of illness or injury around Christmas season; however, it is crucial to maintain a typical routine for your pets, such as exercise and eating, so they can remain comfortable. Here are some suggestions for keeping your pets safe during the holidays.


If you enjoy Christmas, you must have Christmas decorations, but they might be dangerous if not set up properly around your four-legged buddy. Low-hanging lights, ornaments, and tinsel for your Christmas tree can pose a major threat to your pet because they are commonly mistaken for treats and can cause serious intestinal obstructions. It is best to keep the decorations out of your pets' reach or use ornaments that are too large for them to ingest.


Some decorations necessitate the use of energy to reach their full potential. To avoid your cat or dog from chewing on the power leads to these decorations and causing themselves significant harm, tape them to the ground or the wall.


Christmas tree can cause complications for pets, producing problems in their intestines. If you can't get your pet to quit eating these, an artificial substitute can be a better fit for your family.


Quick pointers:

  • To avoid your pet swallowing paper or ribbon, clean up quickly after opening presents.
  • If you know you'll have company, exercise your dog ahead of time so they'll be calmer and less energetic around them.
  • Make a private space for your pet to get away from the crowds and relax.
  • Dogs should not eat lollipops or Christmas sweets because they are typically poisonous and can cause illness or major health concerns.
  • As guests arrive, keep a watch out for your pet fleeing out the front door.

Christmas lunch and dinner leftovers might be a treat on Christmas Day, but they can also be dangerous to your dogs. These are frequently rich, fatty foods that irritate your pet's stomach and can result in inflammation, vomiting, and significant internal problems. Cooked bones should also be avoided because they can easily splinter in your pet's throat or intestines. Feed your dog before you eat and keep a packet of special goodies on hand to divert their attention away from the food you're eating.


Our pets are more likely to become ill or harmed as a result of all the decorations, presents, and food. You can lessen the hazards for your pet and have a pleasant and safe holiday season by keeping these potential threats in mind.

Epilepsy Awareness Month
Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy is defined by the World Health Organization as a chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain characterized by frequent seizures. A seizure is a sudden rush of electrical activity in the brain. There are two main types of seizures: Generalized seizures which affect the whole brain and partial seizures which affect just one part of the brain.

Causes of seizure include

  • high fever
  • head trauma
  • very low blood sugar
  • alcohol withdrawal
  • brain damage from prenatal or perinatal causes
  • congenital abnormalities or genetic conditions with associated brain malformations
  • a stroke that restricts the amount of oxygen to the brain
  • a brain tumor

Symptoms of epilepsy

Seizures are the main symptoms of epilepsy. Symptoms differ from person to person and according to the type of seizure.

Focal or partial seizures can be divided into simple partial seizure and complex partial seizure.
A simple partial seizure does not involve loss of consciousness. Symptoms include: alterations to sense of taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch, dizziness, and tingling and twitching of limbs.
On the other hand, complex partial seizures involve loss of awareness or consciousness. Other symptoms include: staring blankly, unresponsiveness and performing repetitive movements.

Generalized seizures involve the whole brain. There are six types:


  • Absence seizures cause a blank stare. This type of seizure may also cause repetitive movements like lip smacking or blinking. There’s also usually a short loss of awareness.
  • Tonic seizures cause muscle stiffness.
  • Atonic seizures lead to loss of muscle control and can make the person fall down suddenly.
  • Clonic seizures are characterized by repeated, jerky muscle movements of the face, neck, and arms.
  • Myoclonic seizures cause spontaneous quick twitching of the arms and legs.
  • Tonic-clonic seizures cause stiffening of the body, shaking, loss of bladder or bowel control, biting of the tongue and loss of consciousness.


Epilepsy first aid


  • During a convulsion, make no attempt to put anything in the mouth or between the teeth.
  • Do not attempt to restrain convulsive movements.
  • Turn the person gently onto one side. This will help the person breathe.
  • Clear the area around the person of anything hard or sharp. This can prevent injury.
  • Put something soft and flat, like a folded jacket, under his or her head.
  • Loosen ties or anything around the neck that may make it hard to breathe.
  • Call an ambulance if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes.

After convulsive movements have subsided, place the patient in the recovery position and check the airway. After the convulsion the patient may be confused and may need reassurance and sympathy.


Treatments for epilepsy

Anti-epileptic (anticonvulsant, antiseizure) drugs: These medications can reduce the number of seizures patients have. In some people, they eliminate seizures. To be effective, the medication must be taken exactly as prescribed.

Vagus nerve stimulator: This device is surgically placed under the skin on the chest and electrically stimulates the nerve that runs through the neck. This can help prevent seizures.

Ketogenic diet: More than half of people who do not respond to medication, benefit from this high fat, low carbohydrate diet.

Brain surgery: The area of the brain that causes seizure activity can be removed or altered.

Some people need treatment for life. Others might be able to stop treatment if their seizures disappear over time. When medications are missed or not taken regularly, there’s a greater risk for seizures and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. Therefore, antiepileptic/ anticonvulsant medications should be taken as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Empowering epileptic patients and their caregivers with the right information concerning their drug regimen can reduce the risk of seizures and save lives.