INDIKA Cleanse & Detox Herbal Infusion x 25 bags is a blend of green tea, lemongrass and moringa (mouroum) is rich in antioxidants such as polyphenolics, which help neutralize harmful free radicals. It also contains diuretic components that stimulate the evacuation of water and help eliminate toxins.
This blend of noni powders, betel leaves, garlic cloves, and thyme has incredible antimicrobial properties while being an excellent remedy and prevention against the flu. The ingredients have been specially selected for their ability to protect the body from flu viruses and colds.
This blend of margoze (bitter melon), jamblon, and pomegranate powders helps reduce blood sugar levels and helps the body absorb the right sugars. The ingredients have been specially selected for the balance and benefits they bring to the body. Cells in the body may become compromised in their ability to utilize glucose as a source of energy and hence cause an imbalance in normal bodily functions.
This blend of strawberry guava, tulsi leaves, bigarade, and cinnamon bark is a true concentrate of benefits in capsule form! It stimulates the immune system and strengthens cellular defenses while promoting a glowing physical form. Cells in the body produce an excess of free radicals when challenged by disease-causing microbes.